If relationships were a city, the friend zone would be the neighborhood you’d want to avoid.
Do you think that once You’re in the friend zone – you can’t get out? That you’re always one of the “buddies” or “one of the guys”?
I know. All you want is for him to wake up already and realize, on his own, that you are the only woman that he adores and wants.
That he has everything he needs right under his nose.
The Secret Benefit of the Friend Zone
While a woman can have a guy best friend without ever being attracted to him, it doesn’t work the same with guys.
I’ve got news for you ladies:
Every single one of your heterosexual guy friends has thought, “Lisa is so cool! We should press our lips against each others’!”
I’m no Victoria Secret model, but every single guy friend I ever had – was secretly attracted to me and even secretly in love with me (sometimes I only found out years later).
The forgotten advantage of being in the friend zone is simply the fact that you are already his friend.
Which means he already likes you. And feels close to you. And shares his life struggles with you. And all guys are attracted to women they like.
This is what goes on in their mind: “Lisa is caring. Lisa is sweet. Lisa listens to me. Lisa is pretty. Why am I not kissing pretty Lisa?”
Can You Get Out of a Friend Zone with a Guy?
For a woman, escaping the friend zone is easier than you can imagine.
Think about it:
Who has more chance of winning his heart – his friend who he knows and likes (you) or a strange girl he knows nothing about?
Now that you understand the advantage of the friend zone, learn how to escape it and become his girlfriend – quicker than you can spell girlfriend.
Here are the steps you may want to take:
Step #1 – Stop Being Always Available
One of the problems of being his friend is that you are being taken for granted, and that is not very attractive to guys.
Since you have a crush on him, you don’t realize that you’re always available to him.
Does he want to hang out? You’re out the door in 3 minutes.
Does he want to talk? You drop everything you do and listen.
While this is natural when you have feelings for a guy, this is turning him off, plus he has no chance of missing you (so he can realize how much he loves being with you!).
– Jeremy Nicholson, “the attraction doctor”
Step #1 is to slow things down.
Do not blow up his phone to hang out or talk and the next time he wants to hang out tell him you have plans (and really make plans!).
Don’t answer his texts immediately, wait a few hours. And if he asks if something is wrong, reassure him that you’re just a little busy. Give him a chance to miss you. This is critical!
Step #2 – Don’t Tell Him Everything
Keeping a hint of mystery is important when it comes to guys and relationships.
It allows them to fantasize, wonder about what you are doing, who you are with, and generally – just think of you.
Stop sharing every single thing you do and think with him.
When he asks about what you did last night just give him basic details, without specifics. Let him know, in a casual manner, that you have a life.
Other friends, other people are interested in you. You are not at his beck and call. By doing this you’ll become ten times more appealing and more appreciated.
Unfortunately, this is still how guys think and still what makes them tick. They need a good chase.
Step #3 – Start Flirting (Gently)
Telling him directly that you like him and see him more than a friend is a huge no-no! (It may feel awkward and may scare him off), but you can use the power of flirting to get the message through.
You don’t have to be a flirting expert and don’t do anything that may make you feel silly.
For example, “accidental” touching always works. Bumping into him, putting a hand on his shoulder, and giving him an honest compliment will do the job.
👉 Here are 5 ways to flirt with him – without being obvious.
Let him feel that you are important to him. Not by being clingy or pushy, but by looking in his eyes when he shares something with you.
By listening to him. By giving him a long hug and a big smile when you see him.
When you are with other friends, show him that he is your favorite. Go over and talk to him. Avoid flirting with other guys.
Step #4 – Make Him Fall For You
If you take all of these steps, I can almost guarantee you’re 80% out of the friend zone. The ball is now in his court. He knows you like him (more than a friend).
He knows your value (because he has a chance to miss you and see that you have a life).
He knows you’re not just one of the guys. You are so much more.
But this will NOT guarantee that he falls in love with you head over heels. That’s a different story.
If you want to know the simple ways to make a guy fall completely in love with you and totally obsessed with you – you’ll have to learn how men think and what they really want.
Throw your fears and doubts away. Before he starts focusing on other women, escape the friend zone, and get in the girlfriend zone…now.
Are you ready? Let’s do this!
Rooting for ya,
loza says
so I have this guy friend and I swear he has had a crush on me before but I’m pretty sure he is talking to a girl.right now that’s what he said and.a girl at his school said she sees him with this one specific.girl all the time but I know our friendship has way more on that girl and I’m almost positive we have a chance I just need to get him.to.forget about that.girl I think.I know.how but not totally sure, any advice?
Franca says
I told my boyfriend that I want us to end the relationship and now am begging him to come back but he says i should give him time. What do i do plssss
Lisa Redfield says
Give him time. His male ego was hurt, and he needs time to get over it. Just give him some time and trust that he’ll be back on his own.